Membership of the Warwick Horse Trials Club is not restricted to riders. Horse owners, local horse lovers, sporting enthusiasts and all other interested parties are welcomed and encouraged to join as social or non-riding members.
A membership year is from the 1st January to 31st December. If you are a current WHT member you will receive a renewal email before the new year. If you are interested in becoming a new member, please email our membership coordinator (Tracey Sexton) at membership@warwickhorsetrials.com.au.
Cross country course hire is only available to WHT members who are also members of Equestrian Australia. Please note our updated membership categories:
Ordinary membership:
Eligible to vote and hold committee positions.
Includes Senior Riding & Senior Non-Riding membership.
Junior Riding membership:
Ineligible to vote or hold committee positions.
Please note that junior membership is offered with one Senior Non-Riding membership for a parent or guardian free of charge. This is non-transferable.
Social membership:
Ineligible to vote or hold committee positions.
For those equine enthusiasts who are keen to join the growing WHT community and enjoy a social drink in the clubhouse during events.
Membership Fees:
Senior Riding – $45
Senior Non-Riding – $35
Junior Riding – $35
Social – $10
As an affiliate club of Equestrian QLD, WHT encourages riders, supporters and owners to join Equestrian Queensland, which offers a variety of memberships